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Minor update in Films/Shows section.

Updated the Fanfiction section: Archived a new fic entitled: XiYouJi: The Lost Scripture.

- Yuen, 6th March 2007


Added two episode lists to the Films/Shows section, thanks to René from the Netherlands! ^o^ Also added the mp3 versions of the songs in the Music/Lyrics section, again, all thanks to René who converted them!!!!! 

- Yuen, 3rd January 2007

Special Update: Added a new section - Origins, which contains the origins of the novel Journey to the West.

- Yuen, 30th December 2006

Special Update: Removed the entire History section and replaced it with a more complete, improved version of Xuan Zang's history. I worked on this for days!!

- Yuen, 28th December 2006

Minor update in the Films/Shows and Anime/Manga sections.

- Yuen, 25th December 2006

Special Update: Added a new section - Games.

Updated the new Music/Lyrics section: Added another song plus lyrics in Chinese and hanyupinyin.

- Yuen, 24th December 2006

Special Update: Added a new section - Music/Lyrics. I uploaded a few songs and lyrics.

Updated the Anime/Manga section: Added information about Monkey King Cartoon a.k.a. Cartoon Xiyouji. Also added screencaps.

- Yuen, 23th December 2006

Updated Sun Wu Kong's character profile. Moved the introduction back to the mainpage (actually this should be a 17th December update cause it's past midnight now but what the heck).

- Yuen, 16th December 2006

Special Update: Added Water Curtain Cave, a store dedicated to selling stuff about Chinese classics and culture. Minor changes here and there.

- Yuen, 15th December 2006

Minor update in the Character Profiles: Added more names and explanations.

- Yuen, 13th December 2006

General update: Made a few changes here and there in the font and other details.

Updated the Character Profiles: Added the origins of Wu Kong's surname, 'Sun'. Added variations and Japanese pronunciations of names to the profiles. Added some detail and made a few small changes in the text, font and other things.

- Yuen, 6th December 2006

Updated the Films/Shows section: Added brief info about two new movies. Deleted the Latest News section.

- Yuen, 5th December 2006

General update: Changed the links to text links in order to make the page load faster. Moved the updates here. Put the intro on a separate page.

Special Update: Added a forum.

- Yuen, 4th December 2006

Updated the Films/Shows section: Added links to YouTube of the intros to the Xi You Ji series.

- Yuen, 7th October 2006

Added a link.

- Yuen, 30th September 2006

Updated the Fanfiction Section: Archived a new fic entitled Xiyouji: Journey to the West.

- Yuen, 27th September 2006

Updated the Character Profiles: Added Japanese pronunciations of the names and some of the titles and weapons of the major characters.

- Yuen, 21th September 2006

Once again, I want to apologize for an error in Wu Kong's character profile: He can fly 108000 li in one somersault instead of 18000 li as previously stated. *sweat* My math sucks... Didn't realize that ten 'wan' equals 6 zeroes, not 5... *curses self for not paying attention in arithmetic class* Heh~ Anyway, thanks a lot to the reader who pointed it out! You have my utmost gratitude! Also put up the information about the distance Wu Kong can fly in one somersault. P.S. Down there, in the personality section, it's zheng guo, not zhen guo. Sorry. Did I tell you I suck at hanyu pinyin? *bow and bows again*

- Yuen, 6th September 2006

Minor update in the Related Films section on the film by Peter Jackson.

- Yuen, 23rd August 2006

 Please allow me to apologize once again. There is another error on my site: the name is Xuan Zang, not Xuan Zhuang as I thought *curses self* *sweat* I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry!! This won't happen again, I swear!! I am quite certain that all of the pronunciations are correct now! *bows again and again* Again, I'm really, really sorry! 

- Yuen, 5th August 2006

I deeply apologize for an error on my website. Tripitaka's name is spelt Tang San Zang, not Tang San Zhang as previously stated. I'm really, really sorry, and I apologize for any inconveniences caused.

- Yuen, 1th August 2006


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